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- Arealaufwertung
AREA UPGRADE Nature conservation at the front door of your house or office Things get exciting when entire areas can be redesigned. Through targeted planning and development of larger areas, we can create significant habitats that meet the natural needs of different species. Instead of small, isolated pieces of land, we can create a connected ecosystem. These areas support the formation of stable populations and enable genetic exchange between animal groups, which strengthens biodiversity. In addition, large-scale conservation projects improve ecosystem-based services such as pollination, natural water filtration and carbon storage, which have a positive impact on the health of the ecosystem and thus the human environment. A redesigned area can also serve as an important buffer against climatic changes and strengthen nature's resilience to environmental changes. WATER RESERVOIRS Water reservoirs can easily be converted into important habitats for nature with various measures: With bank planting and planting thorny bushes for more insect habitats. Use of biodegradable erosion protection nets and sowing of flower-rich meadows, which stabilize the soil and promote wildlife. Establishment of aquatic biotopes: Small ponds and special sand areas support ground-nesting wild bees and other species. Integration of fish ladders and locks. These structures help aquatic creatures to overcome obstacles to migration and contribute to biodiversity. With controlled water outlets that mimic natural water levels in flowing waters and thus have positive effects on the ecosystem. very suitable for natural protection zones AIRPORTS a large area for native plants There are various types of green spaces that can be created on airfields. For example: Meadows; they require little maintenance and thrive on nutrient-poor soil, consisting of a variety of grasses and herbs that improve the local climate. Wildflower meadows: beautify the landscape and are an important source of food for pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Native shrubs and trees: which stabilize the soil and contribute to the diversity of the landscape. Green roofs: installed on buildings, they improve air quality and help regulate temperature. Grass strips along the runways: these can have a safety-enhancing effect by keeping birds away from the runways. Herb spirals and aroma gardens: such design elements are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also ecologically valuable. TRAVOR STATIONS for biodiversity and natural cycles Transformer stations, i.e. substations or transformer stations, offer interesting opportunities for upgrading for nature conservation. These stations are usually demarcated areas that often cannot be used for other purposes. Nature conservation measures can be ideally integrated here without affecting the main function of energy conversion and distribution. As transformer stations are already embedded in the landscape, they can be upgraded for nature conservation purposes without taking up additional space. This is particularly important in densely populated or intensively agricultural areas. GRAVEL PIT Gravel pits - some see them as wounds in the landscape, for others they are teeming with life. Many rare species of floodplains or ruderal sites have now found a last refuge in a gravel pit. Since there is no longer any dynamism in gravel pits where mining has stopped, nature conservation often has to intervene. In order to maintain the natural dynamism, trees and bushes are removed, the topsoil is partially scraped away or new spawning waters are created for amphibians. Unfortunately, the ruderal sites in gravel pits offer optimal conditions for a large number of neophytes, which should be kept under control. forgotten places simply renaturalized we promote amphibians in gravel pits we combat neophytes in gravel pits using special safety regulations FOR YOU: Have you found what you are looking for? For further services and specific project inquiries CONTACT US SELECTED PROJECTS Reconstruction to a natural oasis: Ecological upgrading in the Wehrenbachtobe Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen Recultivation of the Zelgli ruderal area Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen Maintenance & Neophytes Gravel Pit Weiach Naturnetz Nordostschweiz mehr lesen Lichter Wald Bach's maintenance work Naturnetz Nordostschweiz mehr lesen Ecological accompanying planning ARA Niederglatt Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen Mülibach gravel pit neophytes and maintenance work Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen
- Artenförderung und Nisthilfen
SPECIES PROMOTION AND NESTING AIDS Why does the protection of endangered species have a direct impact on us humans? Species conservation and monitoring are essential for conservation. Our environment is a network of diverse life forms whose health directly affects our own. By supporting endangered species, we not only maintain biodiversity, but also preserve ecosystem services that are critical for cleaning our air and water, pollinating plants and keeping our soils fertile. SPECIES PROMOTION IN SETTLEMENT AREAS Where people live, nature should also find its place: swifts, wild bees and butterflies feel at home in residential areas if we give them some space and design the green areas in a way that is close to nature. There is still a lot of potential for ecological improvements in residential areas in particular: never-used lawns can become colorful flower meadows, boring thuja hedges can become wild hedges with berries and asphalt paths can become paved habitats. The Nature Network knows all about green roofs, natural gardens and cobblestone paving. We would be happy to help you bring nature back. promoting nature on your doorstep we create new ruderal areas with wall gravel we design ruderal areas with various small structures, such as wild bee sand or stone piles. we plant ruderal areas with native wild perennials FOR YOU: UNKENBASSEN small bodies of water for amphibians Toad tubs are small water basins or depressions in the ground that are used by toads and other amphibians as temporary spawning grounds. In Switzerland, they are an important part of nature conservation because they help to maintain toad populations. Due to the reduction of wetlands, the habitat of amphibians is becoming increasingly smaller. Toad tubs can therefore help to counteract this development, compensate for the effects of human intervention in nature and preserve biodiversity. PROTECTION AND BREEDING GROUNDS FOR BIRDS create safe breeding grounds Nesting aids are important to give endangered species, such as the house martin, a protected start in life. At Naturnetz, we rely on practical, well-thought-out designs that blend harmoniously into their surroundings. WILD BEE HOTELS an ecological eye-catcher Because of their pollination work, wild bees are not only crucial for the preservation of many wild plant species. They also play an important role in agriculture and significantly increase its yields. Our self-developed nesting aids for wild bees are eye-catching and are not only intended to help wild bees, but also to sensitize passers-by to the wild bee problem. See for yourself: our high-quality wild bee nesting aids can be found in many places in the canton of Zurich (the Fahr monastery estate, in the Seleger Moor, in the cities of Zurich and Winterthur, in the Thurauen, in the VBS areas in Dübendorf and at the Türlersee) and beyond. Anyone who takes the time in spring to observe the hatching and subsequent egg-laying will be amazed at the hustle and bustle at our hotels. If you listen carefully, you can even hear the harmless wild bees singing. WHAT ELSE WE CAN DO FOR YOU Wooden grooves and wooden beds as habitats and breeding grounds for insects and small animals Butterfly gardens with special nutrient plants for caterpillars and butterflies Stone piles as shelter for small mammals and reptiles dry grassland for ground-nesting insects and rare plant species Have you found what you are looking for? For further services and specific project inquiries CONTACT US SELECTED PROJECTS Ecological upgrading of dry meadows in Liestal Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen ponds under power poles Naturnetz Graubünden mehr lesen How we protect the yellow butterfly in Ticino Naturnetz Tessin mehr lesen Unkenwannen in the Cham region Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen Ecological upgrading on Weineggstrasse Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen UNESCO dry walls Naturnetz Tessin mehr lesen
- Wald- und Heckenpflege
FOREST AND HEDGE CARE Why is forest and hedge care so important for nature conservation? Systematic management of hedgerows and woodlands is crucial to maintaining biodiversity and the stability of our environment. Healthy forests help clean the air by filtering pollutants and serve as important sources of oxygen. They are also essential to the water cycle, as they absorb, store and slowly release rainwater into the environment, reducing flooding and stabilising water sources. Their importance also extends to temperature regulation, as they absorb solar radiation and create cool, moist microclimates. By managing forests and woodlands properly, we can ensure that these critical functions are maintained and that forests serve as sustainable resources for future generations. HEDGES & FIELD COUNTY Hedges and field copses are not only an aesthetic structural element, but also a habitat for red-backed shrikes and weasels, and form important networking axes for the migration of numerous animal species. Even if a hedge grows rather slowly, it changes over time. The low hedge becomes a high hedge, over time tall trees grow instead of thorny bushes, and at some point you have a row of trees that visually divides the landscape, but never has the same biodiversity as a properly maintained hedge. It is therefore essential that a hedge is maintained at least every few years. The Nature Network has the experience and specialist knowledge to optimally maintain hedges and field copses. Fast-growing bushes are cut back, trees are selectively removed, and light and space are created for slow-growing, thorny bushes. Some of the cuttings are layered on site to form piles of branches and deadwood, thus creating shelter and habitat for numerous creatures, from fireflies to shrews. Planning, planting and value-preserving care FOR YOU: we maintain hedges professionally and promote specifically selected shrub species we plant site-appropriate hedge assortments FOREST CARE Expertise and manpower for forest edges Around a third of Switzerland is covered by forest. Even though this forest naturally varies greatly, it is a very large area and therefore important for nature conservation. The forest edges are particularly rich in species. Here, at the transition between dense forest and open cultivated land, many species feel at home. The red-backed shrike breeds in a thorny bush and lizards hide in the pile of stones. The nature network helps where both specialist knowledge and manpower are needed: in the care of ecologically valuable forest edges or in the maintenance of special types of forest, such as particularly open forests. CLEARANCE Light and Life for Endangered Species During clearing, the selective removal of trees and bushes allows more light to reach the forest floor, which promotes the growth of undergrowth and light-loving plants. This method primarily supports plant and animal species that require open and sunny locations, such as certain endangered butterfly species. The nature network carries out clearing, takes over the clearing and aftercare of the areas and combines this with other nature conservation measures, such as the construction of small structures (branch piles). TALL TREE, FRUIT AND CHESTNUTS Pruning, Planting & Care Shaping Natural Heritage from Cutting to Bloom Standard orchards are characteristic elements of the Swiss landscape. Originally they surrounded almost every village, but today often only a few trees or small remnants remain. There are many reasons for this decline, including construction activity, falling demand, etc. In addition, maintaining these orchards requires a considerable amount of time. The same applies to chestnut trees, which also require special care, especially when pruning. The Nature Network is committed to maintaining these traditional landscape elements by planting and pruning fruit and chestnut trees, mowing the meadows and improving the structure of the orchards. Our work supports the health and growth of the trees, promotes their fruit and flower bearing capacity and contributes to preserving the biodiversity and cultural heritage of the region. Have you found what you are looking for? For further services and specific project inquiries CONTACT US SELECTED PROJECTS Start of the 2024 season: Hedge care in the "Murimoos" Naturnetz Mobil in Zusammenarbeit mit Murimoos Association mehr lesen Pulsatilla mining Felsentäli Naturnetz Nordostschweiz in Zusammenarbeit mit Grün Schaffhausen mehr lesen Clearing the light forests on the Lägern Naturnetz Mittelland in Zusammenarbeit mit Forstbetrieb Altberg-Lägern GmbH mehr lesen Furttal: Maintenance work in the cantonal nature reserves Naturnetz Mittelland in Zusammenarbeit mit Canton of Zurich Department of Nature Conservation mehr lesen Rothenthurm raised bog clearing work Naturnetz Mittelland in Zusammenarbeit mit BirdLife and Canton of Schwyz mehr lesen pasture maintenance on the Subigerberg Naturnetz Mobil in Zusammenarbeit mit Pro Natura Basel mehr lesen
- Besucherlenkung
VISITOR GUIDANCE Why is visitor management necessary in nature conservation? Visitor management is essential to ensure the integrity and sustainability of our protected areas. It is an integral part of nature conservation. The primary goal is to find a good balance between the experience of nature for us humans and the preservation of the environment. Visitors are directed and restricted to certain more resilient areas. Clearly defined paths in the form of footpaths, hiking trails, boardwalks, bridges or platforms encourage visitors to move sustainably through the sensitive refuges. Board systems are used to provide information and behavioral guidelines and communicate educational content. Interactive elements along the paths also promote awareness and appreciation of the need for nature conservation. Strategically placed infrastructure such as viewpoints and nature trails enable visitors to enjoy the beauty of nature without disturbing the sensitive areas. Such measures help to avoid overloading in particularly sensitive areas and support the preservation of biodiversity. The maintenance of water bodies includes regular checks and maintenance work, such as preventing weed growth and silting up. An important aspect is the seasonality of the work, which depends heavily on the animal species living there, the vegetation and the water level. The tasks in water construction and maintenance are not only technical but also ecological in nature. Renaturation projects aim to return water bodies to a near-natural state, which strengthens biodiversity and the resilience of ecosystems. These projects promote the natural capacity to serve as a habitat for various aquatic and terrestrial species. Put more simply, healthy water bodies improve the quality of life and provide recreational areas for humans and animals. ADVENTURE TRAILS Adventure trails are not just simple hiking trails - they are adventure trails that impart knowledge through experience. On them you experience with all your senses, hear birdsong, feel the bark of the trees and discover the secrets of the forest in a playful way. Adventure trails combine exciting information boards, interactive stations and sensory experiences that appeal to all the senses. aesthetically & ecologically functional VISITOR BOARDING so that we can discover nature without disturbance Many of our nature reserves are not only refuges for rare animal and plant species, but also popular places for recreational activities. The pressure on these landscapes is therefore very high in many cases. Well-founded visitor management concepts can help ensure that the areas are still used by visitors, but at the same time the animals and plants can be protected from disturbance. To this end, we design and build durable, robust visitor walkways using sustainable materials. They lead through the nature reserve and offer visitors the opportunity to observe nature without disturbance at suitable locations. INFORMATION BOARD SYSTEMS Send a signal to our environment SigNatur's information boards are effective multipliers for raising public awareness of nature conservation issues and are suitable for nature reserves, hiking trails, adventure trails, public parks, company premises and other outdoor educational facilities. We offer the information and theme boards individually or as part of an overall project (theme trail, nature trail) - with a suitable holder system if required - and install them on site. SigNatur offers you a high-quality product in terms of appearance and content for your enhancement project, nature trail or theme trail. A selection of existing theme boards can be purchased directly. We work together to develop individual boards and more extensive projects, also during an on-site inspection. effective multipliers high-quality materials and designs variety of topics You can find more information on Have you found what you are looking for? For further services and specific project inquiries CONTACT US HIKING TRAIL CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE so that we can discover nature without disturbance The nature network builds hiking trails to make nature accessible while protecting the environment. We pay attention to sustainable construction methods by working with the natural materials and local conditions and minimizing the impact on the landscape. Our trails are designed to prevent erosion and thus protect the vegetation. We pay attention to the safety of hikers through stable constructions and regular maintenance. In this way, we combine nature conservation with the experience of nature. SELECTED PROJECTS New flyer boxes for the Thurauen Naturnetz Nordostschweiz mehr lesen Sentieri della Val Calanca mehr lesen Path of the Senses Naturnetz Mobil mehr lesen Flyerspender Thurauen Naturnetz Nordostschweiz mehr lesen Pasture fences to guide visitors in the Thurauen Naturnetz Nordostschweiz mehr lesen
- Gewässerbau und Unterhalt
WATER ENGINEERING What types of water bodies are needed for nature conservation? And why are there so many different shapes, sizes and depths? Flowing waters, still waters, floodplain landscapes or ponds form diverse habitats for numerous animal and plant species and are therefore an important tool in nature conservation. They not only serve as a refuge and habitat in promoting biodiversity, but also as water reservoirs and flood protection. The maintenance of water bodies includes regular checks and maintenance work. These prevent weed growth and silting. An important aspect is the seasonality of the work, which depends heavily on the amphibians and other animal species living there and the water level. The tasks in water construction and maintenance are not only technical, but also ecological in nature. Renaturation projects aim to return water bodies to a near-natural state, which strengthens biodiversity and the resilience of ecosystems. These projects promote the natural capacity of a habitat for various aquatic and terrestrial species. Put more simply, healthy water bodies improve the quality of life and provide recreational areas for humans and animals. FOIL PONDS Pond liners are an excellent and cost-effective way to create new bodies of water and habitats for many native species. They are easy to build and maintain, making them an effective option for targeted species conservation projects of any size. Pond liners can be used as both permanent and temporary structures, and therefore always represent a flexible solution depending on the goal. Naturnetz advises you on the concept and planning and takes care of the construction of your very own pond liner from A to Z! aesthetically & ecologically functional CLAY PONDS build natural breeding grounds A more natural variant is also possible when building a pond - the most successful method is the use of clay or clay compaction. Clay ponds are natural bodies of water that provide an excellent habitat for many animal and plant species. An additional advantage is the natural materials, which do not damage the ecosystem with chemicals (not even in the long term). However, building a clay pond is much more demanding and therefore more time-consuming. The Nature Network is very familiar with the construction of clay ponds and will implement your project exactly as you wish! UNKENBASSEN small temporary water bodies for amphibians Toad tubs are small water basins or hollows in the ground that are used by toads and other amphibians as temporary spawning waters (optionally with drainage). In Switzerland, they are an important part of maintaining toad populations. Due to the reduction of wetlands, the habitat of these amphibians is becoming increasingly smaller. Our toad tubs, strategically placed and installed correctly, can therefore help to maintain or increase local populations. Contact us without obligation for more information about our tub system or a specific offer! Have you found what you are looking for? For further services and specific project inquiries CONTACT US SOME PROJECTS IN WATER ENGINEERING Maintenance & Neophytes Gravel Pit Weiach Naturnetz Nordostschweiz mehr lesen Langenmoos: A home for amphibians and dragonflies Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen water maintenance on the Biber Naturnetz Nordostschweiz mehr lesen reed mowing Castrisch Naturnetz Graubünden mehr lesen Furttal: Maintenance work in the cantonal nature reserves Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen observation deck Wannenmacher Naturnetz Nordostschweiz mehr lesen ponds under power poles Naturnetz Graubünden mehr lesen Chrutzelen peat pit Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen Care of Chrutzelen / Seleger Moor raised bog Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen
- Wiesen und Begrünungen
MEADOWS AND GREENING AREAS Why are natural green spaces important? Greening in nature conservation not only serves to enhance the aesthetics of our surroundings, but is also a crucial tool for promoting biodiversity and protecting natural habitats. Natural greening methods are particularly important in areas that have been impacted by human activities or that support endangered species due to their natural conditions. A key aspect of natural greening is the use of autochthonous seeds, which are obtained from local plants and are specifically adapted to the given environmental conditions. These seeds support the development of robust, site-appropriate vegetation, which in turn helps to minimize soil erosion and build a healthy ecosystem that supports a wide variety of animal and plant species. The conscious use of greening techniques helps to preserve the genetic diversity of plants and prevents the spread of invasive species that could threaten native flora and fauna. LEAN / DRY MEADOWS MOWING AND NEW CREATION most species-rich habitat in Switzerland Rough meadows, also known as dry meadows, grow on nutrient-poor soils and are among the most species-rich habitats in Switzerland. More than 50 plant species can grow in one square meter - a paradise for butterflies, bees and other insects. In order to preserve this habitat, rough meadows must be mowed regularly and the cuttings removed, otherwise nutrient inputs endanger the diversity of species. However, mowing is a challenge: Regular mowing controls invasive plants and promotes biodiversity, but can temporarily impair habitats and temporarily destroy cover, breeding grounds and food supplies. Field and meadow birds as well as various insect and plant species are particularly affected. Therefore, retreat areas are left standing and the mowing time is carefully chosen to protect breeding grounds and food supplies. The nature network mows and maintains rough meadows carefully and with consideration for the existing inhabitants. We are therefore very familiar with staggered mowing and old grass strips! we mow in a way that promotes biodiversity, including by hand and in impassable terrain we use insect-friendly devices we create natural flower meadows according to the current state of knowledge FOR YOU: RIEDWIESEN regular care is a must Reed meadows are one of the most species-rich habitats. Countless endangered animal and plant species live here, which depend on the reed meadows being cut regularly. Naturally, these locations would quickly become overgrown with bushes and the orchids, irises and other rare plants would have to make way for trees. The nature network mows reed meadows and removes the cuttings, even in terrain that is difficult for machines to access and where a lot of manual work is required. Reeds ahoy! FOR YOU: we mow areas in a way that promotes biodiversity, also by hand and in impassable terrain we use insect-friendly equipment (including scythes) DIRECT GREENING propagate native plants naturally With direct greening, the cuttings (and thus the seeds) from a species-rich donor area are transferred directly to a recipient area. By using cuttings from the region, the natural resilience of the plants, which are already optimally adapted to their environment, is used. To do this, the recipient area is professionally prepared and an ideal seedbed is created. After that, the right time to cut the donor area (seed maturity) and the quick and efficient transport of the cuttings are crucial. Thanks to a wide range of experience, Naturnetz has the right solution for you in every case! Have you found what you are looking for? For further services and specific project inquiries CONTACT US SOME PROJECTS WITH GREENING Reed mowing in the Auareda nature reserve Naturnetz Graubünden mehr lesen Ecological upgrading of dry meadows in Liestal Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen Maintenance of TWW areas in San Bernadino Naturnetz Mobil mehr lesen pond maintenance and clearing work for Pro Natura Naturnetz Mobil mehr lesen Lake Türlersee & Region: A unique cultural and natural landscape Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen Ecological upgrading on Weineggstrasse Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen
- Neophytenbekämpfung
NEOPHYTE CONTROL IN NATURE CONSERVATION Why must neophytes be combated? Global trade means that foreign plant species are constantly entering Switzerland, whether accidentally or as ornamental plants. Some of these species are not only able to establish themselves in our climate, but also spread quickly and massively. Without natural enemies, these invasive neophytes multiply aggressively and displace native plants. Neophytes endanger the ecological balance by forming large-scale monocultures. Native species such as blackberries or thistles can also cause problems if they multiply uncontrollably. It is therefore important to combat both invasive neophytes and native problem plants. Combating these species is particularly crucial in protected areas, which are valuable refuges for native flora and fauna. FOR YOU: We control and combat invasive neophytes and problem plants Let us protect native plant diversity and ecological balance Let us prevent the spread of large-scale monocultures in protected areas We implement cost-effective and effective care and control measures Let us intervene early to minimize effort and maximize success Have you found what you are looking for? For further services and specific project inquiries CONTACT US SELECTED PROJECTS Neophyte control in Niderholz Naturnetz Nordostschweiz mehr lesen ragwort control Naturnetz Graubünden mehr lesen Knotweed control in the Misox Valley and Calanca Valley Naturnetz Mobil mehr lesen Furttal: Maintenance work in the cantonal nature reserves Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen Maintenance & Neophytes Gravel Pit Weiach Naturnetz Nordostschweiz mehr lesen Waidhalde school building embankment improvement Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen
- Kleinstrukturen im Naturschutz
SMALL STRUCTURES Why are small structures made of branches, stones and more invaluable for nature conservation? A small structure - be it a wooden box, a pile of stones or a small group of shrubs - is extremely valuable for nature. On the one hand, small structures are habitats for insects, beetles and reptiles. On the other hand, they serve as stepping stones for various animal species on their migrations. Both the common toad, which migrates from its wintering place in the forest to its spawning water, and the Whinchat, which flies from Africa to Northern Europe, depend on them. The construction of small structures requires not only muscle power, but also knowledge about the needs of the future residents. Small structures should not only enrich the landscape for the human eye, but above all should be a habitat for animals that depend on them. A cleverly built small structure also requires significantly less maintenance later on. PILE OF BRANCHES simple structure with great impact Branch piles imitate natural dead wood and are valuable places of refuge and habitat. They create optimal conditions for insects, small mammals and birds. They can be used in many different ways: as a refuge for hedgehogs and small rodents, as breeding and hibernation sites for insects and as nesting sites for birds. The targeted arrangement of branches and twigs not only offers protection, but also food opportunities and thus promotes ecological balance. In addition, branch piles contribute to natural soil improvement by supporting the decomposition of organic materials and thus improving soil quality. We would be happy to stack branch piles for you in the forest, in the field hedge or on a ruderal area! DRYSTONE WALLS functional for us, habitat for nature Stone walls can also be teeming with life. Small ferns and specialized flowering plants grow in the niches, cracks and crevices. Lizards and spiders hide there, or wild bees build their nests. The slowworm hides at the base of the wall and a little further up the hoopoe builds its nest. Dry stone walls are "dry" because they are built without cement or mortar. The stones are loosely stacked on top of each other, which requires special expertise to ensure that the wall is really stable. Thanks to our dry stone wall specialists, we can build any dry stone wall for you - no matter what shape, height or length - the main thing is that it is a beautiful eye-catcher and an ecological paradise! STONE AND SAND ISLANDS for biodiversity and natural cycles Stone and sand islands are particularly important for reptiles, amphibians and special insect species such as sand bees. The islands create living conditions that are otherwise too rare in the landscape due to human intervention or natural changes. Sand islands often serve as places for ground-nesting wild bee species, while stone islands offer important refuges for heat-loving reptiles and insects. By integrating stone and sand islands into protected areas, biodiversity can be significantly increased. The nature network builds all stone and sand lenses in accordance with the latest technical specifications and attaches great importance to appropriate integration into the landscape! ARTIFICIAL ROCKS supporting nature through technology In Switzerland, artificial rocks are increasingly being used for nature conservation. These rocks look like real rocks and provide a special habitat for animals and plants. For example, climbing or sunbathing rocks can be built for various animal species such as lizards and snakes. Artificial rocks can also be used for flood protection. If you have any questions or would like more information about artificial rocks, please contact us! Have you found what you are looking for? For further services and specific project inquiries CONTACT US SOME PROJECTS WITH SMALL STRUCTURES Wall Art near Kandersteg Naturnetz Mobil mehr lesen Ecological upgrading on Weineggstrasse Naturnetz Mittelland mehr lesen dry stone walls of Prättigau Naturnetz Graubünden mehr lesen ponds under power poles Naturnetz Graubünden mehr lesen Worb dry stone wall Naturnetz Mobil mehr lesen UNESCO dry walls Naturnetz Tessin mehr lesen
- Ãœber uns
Welcome to Nature Network! We are a committed bunch, united by our enthusiasm for everything beautiful that moves and stands outside. Whether in the deepest forest or in the middle of the city, sometimes we just stop and marvel at the small everyday wonders of our environment. We use our knowledge and energy to ensure that future generations can also experience this magic. Help us make Switzerland a little greener, more sustainable and more diverse! THE LAST NATURNETZ YEAR IN NUMBERS: 260+ REALIZED PROJECTS 300+ CIVIL SERVICE PERFORMERS 10 K DAYS IN OPERATION LARGEST SWISS ZIVI COMPANY 2023 About the club Vision Mission Projektspektrum Organisation und Finanzierung By promoting species and habitats that are particularly worthy of conservation, the Nature Network makes measurable contributions to species-rich natural and cultural landscapes in Switzerland. To this end, we work with partners with whom we can achieve the greatest possible impact. The Nature Network is a non-profit, tax-exempt association. Donations can be deducted from taxes. The Nature Network is mainly financed through project contracts for the improvement and maintenance of protected areas, which are carried out for various clients (federal government, cantons, municipalities, private individuals). Our field of activity mainly includes the improvement and maintenance of nature reserves and other ecologically valuable areas. The work is carried out by groups of civil servants under expert management, mostly on behalf of the public sector. The Nature Network aims to be an efficient service provider throughout Switzerland that creates ecological added value at the highest quality level. The Nature Network also initiates its own creative nature conservation projects. To this end, the Nature Network organizes meaningful, non-profit work assignments that show participants ecological connections. The Naturnetz team Andreas Hurter Geschäftsführung ad interim Guido Fernandez Koch Praktikant Ricarda Feuz Praktikantin Oliver Lüthi Vereinsvorstand VIEW ALL organizational chart Our machinery and vehicle fleet With our extensive fleet of machines and vehicles, we can carry out any job. We have the following at our disposal: - Emergency buses - Pickups - Delivery vans - Goods transport trailers - Machine transport trailers - Tool transport trailers - Transport boat - Crawler excavators 1.8t - Crawler dumpers - Gantry cranes - Soil tillers - Planting hole drills - Core hole drills - Cutting heads (Flex) - Welding systems - Chippers - Bar mowers - Underwater mowers - Chainsaws - Brush cutters - Pole pruners area of operation and locations Mittelland (Dietikon) northeastern Switzerland (Oerlingen) Graubünden (Malix) Ticino (Sant'Antonio) Naturnetz Mobil for operations throughout Switzerland Stationed and mobile throughout Switzerland in action for nature! Select a location to find out more about it. publications More detailed information and exciting project reports about the Nature Network can be found in our annual reports: Vacancies Thank you very much for your interest in the Nature Network. In addition to permanent employees, the Nature Network also employs a team of field interns on a seasonal basis and, if required, temporary operations managers. We are currently looking for: Project Manager:in Nature Conservation 50 – 80 % Internship in Environmental Education 80% Internship in Nature Conservation (field and office) 80 – 100 % Field internship in nature conservation 80 – 100 % If there was nothing for you or we don't have any open positions, we're still happy to hear from you.
- Unser Team
The Naturnetz team . Graubünden Mittelland Mobil Nordostschweiz Tessin Umweltbildung Andreas Hurter Geschäftsführung ad interim Paolo Maggini GL member, Head of Graubünden location Miriam Preisig personnel administration Thomas Hauser Infrastructure Project Management Kim Kaltenbach environmental education project management Silvana Sachs environmental education project management Tabea Wobmann operational management Dominik Tischhauser operational management Annina Quast environmental education intern Branco Rath Head of Environmental Education Stefan Kohl club board Michael Engeli Management, Head of Northeast Switzerland Location Andrea Guidotti GL member, Head of Ticino location Simon Gisler Project Management Communication Sergio Tringale environmental education project management Eveline Häsli project management of the civil service Madeleine Isler environmental education project management Marion Staub operational management Chiara Voce operational management Jan Habegger operational management Seline Bachmann Praktikantin Franziska Andres club board Dr. Marco Sacchi management, project development Pascal Blarer GL member, Head of Mittelland Location Sandro Wyss project management of the civil service Matthias Scheel project management of the civil service Aaron Kälin project management of the civil service Natascia Di Ninno project management of civil service David Rast Head of Environmental Education Milo Bissegger operational management Nina Cramer Head of Environmental Education Ricarda Feuz Praktikantin Oliver Lüthi Vereinsvorstand Silvie Kiefer Management, Finance and Human Resources Beatrice Hagmann accounting Jürgen Schlude project management of the civil service Nicolas Baiker project management of the civil service Olivier De Camilli operational management Ismael Invernizzi project management of the civil service Moïra Senti operational management Marco Peterhans operational management Regula Kofler Head of Environmental Education Guido Fernandez Koch Praktikant back to about us
- Verein Naturnetz | Naturschutzorganisation
Der Verein Naturnetz ist eine gemeinnützige Naturschutzorganisation. Wir setzen uns mit Tatkraft und Wissen für die Erhaltung der Biodiversität, den Artenschutz und die Aufwertung und Pflege von Naturschutzgebieten ein. Furttal 1 DSCF5149_edited Schilfmahd Castrisch 5 Furttal 1 1/8 ON A MISSION FOR NATURE The Nature Network is a non-profit nature conservation organization. We use our energy and knowledge to preserve biodiversity, protect species and improve and maintain nature reserves. PROJECTS NATURE CONSERVATION We implement various nature conservation projects throughout Switzerland from four locations. Find out more about our diverse range of services. more ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION & VOLUNTEERING Volunteer work in nature conservation and environmental education camps for schools, students and companies. Plan your commitment to nature with us now! more ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION DO CIVILIAN SERVICE Every year, the Nature Network offers around 300 community service volunteers the opportunity to work for nature conservation. Find out more about community service from us and register for the assignment! more NATURE OFFICE Our nature office specializes in planning and conceptual solutions as well as consultations and mandates. Contact us, we will be happy to advise you! more High-quality information boards in terms of appearance and content for your improvement project, educational trail or theme path. A selection of existing theme boards is already available for your project. We work together to develop individual boards and more extensive projects, and are happy to visit you on site. more A SELECTION OF OUR PROJECTS Area all Category all Activity all Year all Wall Art near Kandersteg Maintenance of TWW areas in San Bernadino Maintenance & Neophytes Gravel Pit Weiach Clearing the light forests on the Lägern Neophyte control in Niderholz Knotweed control in the Misox Valley and Calanca Valley Start of the 2024 season: Hedge care in the "Murimoos" reed mowing Castrisch Reed mowing in the Auareda nature reserve Reconstruction to a natural oasis: Ecological upgrading in the Wehrenbachtobe Lake Türlersee & Region: A unique cultural and natural landscape Ecological upgrading of dry meadows in Liestal A SELECTION OF OUR PROJECT PARTNERS
- Angebot
OUR RANGE The Nature Network offers you support at all levels - from the concept to the maintenance and monitoring of your nature conservation project, we are there for you! From our four locations in Mittelland , Northeastern Switzerland , Graubünden and Ticino and with our mobile task force, we travel throughout Switzerland. Thanks to a wide range of machinery and vehicles, we are well equipped and ready for all work and tasks. FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS WATER ENGINEERING VISITOR GUIDANCE & HIKING TRAILS AREA UPGRADE MAINTENANCE AND CARE MEADOWS AND GREENING AREAS FOREST AND HEDGE CARE NEOPHYTE FIGHT SPECIES PROMOTION, CONCEPTS, CONSULTING SPECIES PROMOTION & NESTLING AIDS SMALL STRUCTURES PLANNING, CONSULTING, MANDATES & MONITORING For further information and specific project inquiries, we will be happy to advise you personally at any time. CONTACT US