Tree Planting Quarten
performed by:
Naturnetz Mobil
The dry summers of recent years and various storms have caused massive damage to forests in some regions of Switzerland. This was also the case in Quarten, on the southern shore of Lake Walen, where the bark beetle was recently able to reproduce over several generations a year due to the warm temperatures. Sick and dead trees then fell victim to the gusts of wind or were forcibly used and felled during the intensive control of the spruce bark beetle ( Ips typographus , a bark beetle that lives on spruce trees).
The tree populations on the steep slopes above Quarten serve as protective forests for the communities below and protect their population and infrastructure. The resulting bare areas have seriously endangered this protective function of the forest. In order to be able to maintain it, the open areas must be replanted as quickly as possible. This process normally occurs naturally through natural regeneration - but this takes a very long time in mountain forests. By planting appropriately, resistant (to climate and pests) and ecologically valuable plant species can be introduced so that the protective function is guaranteed again in the long term.
The Nature Network's mobile group supported the local forestry companies for this purpose. The six-person group planted around 2000 trees in various locations over the course of a week. To ensure that the planting was successful, the shoots of the trees were wrapped in sheep's wool or completely protected by individual shooters from being eaten by wild animals. Although the weather was sometimes very cold and wet (good planting weather!), the motivated group was able to enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery and the meaningful work in the Quartener protective forests every day.