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AP dwarf heath snail Beringen



performed by:

Naturnetz Nordostschweiz

Dry meadows and pastures are species-rich habitats characterized by agricultural use. As part of the mapping of these meadows in the canton of Schaffhausen by Peter Müller on behalf of Pro Natura SH in April 2016, a small population of the dwarf heath snail was found on a poor road embankment in Wangental. Xerocrassa geyeri is a species of snail measuring around 5 mm in size with a spherical, slightly flattened shell that can have up to 4.5 whorls. The results of the survey attracted attention from experts, as the snail is only a relict in Europe. Only a few current occurrences are known throughout Switzerland, and it was completely absent in the canton of Schaffhausen.

Following intensive upgrading measures in recent years in Wangental for the main target species, the dwarf heath snail, the perimeter was expanded to include other target species of dry meadows and pastures. These include the zebra snail, the bulbous grain snail and the wild thyme snail. The project is also intended to promote and preserve the dry meadow snail in general.

Further surveys by Peter Müller also found TWW snail species on embankments of the DB railway line in Beringen and in Oberhallau.

As in the Wangental, however, these populations are in danger of becoming impoverished or even disappearing due to a lack of care or care that is not suitable for snails. Since these snail species depend on open, sunny spots in the meadows, we were commissioned by the Northeast Switzerland team to ensure professional maintenance. The following maintenance work was carried out on the Beringen railway line in autumn/winter 2021:

  • Cutting out smaller problem species, such as dogwood or blackberries

  • Larger trees were cut down with a chainsaw

  • The entire embankment area was thoroughly cleared with gravel rakes

  • In the station area, various fast-growing trees were removed using Habegger

  • Green waste was loaded and removed

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