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Waidhalde school building embankment improvement



performed by:

Naturnetz Mittelland

According to the biotope type mapping by Grün Stadt Zürich (GSZ), the embankment below the Waidhalde school building had a very poor natural value. The vegetation consisted mainly of non-native trees, ornamental trees and partially invasive neophytes (for example Armenian blackberry, Rubus armeniacus , or goldenrod, Solidago sp.). The GSZ Nature Conservation Department runs the "More than Green" funding program. The aim of this funding program is to maintain and increase the quality and quantity of near-natural and ecologically valuable green spaces in residential areas. As part of this project, public areas are continuously being ecologically upgraded. One of these areas is the embankment below the sports field of the Waidhalde school building.

The first intervention was carried out by the Mittelland Nature Network in February 2021. Due to the very dry summer of 2021, the seeding did not seem to germinate as well as originally planned. For this reason, re-sowing with UFA seeds was carried out in April 2022. To promote re-seeding, early mowing was carried out in some places.

Overall, the area has developed well in the first two years, with mullein ( Verbascum thapsus) , black thistle ( Onopordum acanthium ) and viper's bugloss ( Echium vulgare ) already establishing themselves very well. However, invasive neophytes such as annual fleabane ( Erigeron annuus ) and goldenrod ( Solidago sp) continue to occur in the area. In addition, some native plants that tend to expand, such as field thistle ( Cirsium arvense ) and dogwood ( Cornus sanguinea ), are still dominant in certain places.

We will continue with targeted maintenance next year so that the area can develop as diversely as possible and provide a good habitat for the local flora and fauna.

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